Embarking on your luxury jewelry journey? Fear not, here at Ylang 23 we will make it an easy and fun experience! We offer a curated collection of stylish fine jewelry from top designers. We’d love to help you begin your collection.

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How to Mix and Match Your Jewelry Collection

Once you’ve created a curated collection, it’s time to learn how to blend various pieces to create various looks. Yes, those diamond earrings perfectly match the tennis necklace you purchased, but each piece could also be paired with other jewelry to create new looks authentic to your style. 

There’s no need for every piece of jewelry you wear to match. Some of the most fascinating and fashionable looks are created when we take disparate pieces and blend them. Spend some time playing around with your jewelry, trying on different pieces, and pairing them in ways you never have before. You might just happen upon a signature look you adore!

How to Layer Your Collection of Luxury Jewelry

One of the best ways to have fun with your new jewelry collection is to learn how to layer your favorite pieces. Why limit yourself to one necklace, ring, or bracelet at a time? Instead, combine necklaces of different lengths or stack rings on various fingers (or together on the same finger). We have an excellent guide to layering jewelry to help you learn this delightful art and create unique looks that sing your personality and style.

Take Care of Your Jewelry

Maintenance Essentials

While fine luxury jewelry is designed with precious materials that stand the test of time, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need maintenance. Here are a few quick tips to ensure your wearable treasures keep their beauty for generations to come.

Store your jewelry away from chemicals and where the temperature stays fairly steady. Excessive heat or sudden changes in temperature can cause damage, while chemicals can discolor your jewelry. Protect your investment with a good quality jewelry box. It’s also acceptable to store your jewelry in the box it came in. Some prefer to keep a drawer full of individual jewelry boxes to keep each piece separate.

Cleaning your jewelry is delicate work. Be careful when using the latest jewelry-cleaning gadgets as they can sometimes cause damage to delicate pieces. Instead, most gems can be cleaned with warm water, a mild soap that contains no detergents, and a brush with fine, soft bristles. An unused makeup brush is an excellent choice for this purpose. It’s best to use a bowl of soapy water and a bowl of clean water rather than cleaning jewelry over the sink. You don’t want to lose a precious treasure down the drain! 

Routine Maintenance and Inspections

It’s a good idea to regularly check over your jewelry to ensure no damage or deterioration. Carefully inspect it under a magnifier and look for cracks in stones, loose gems, and everything in between. 

Some types of jewelry require special maintenance tasks. Pearls strung on silk, for example, should be restrung when the cord begins to stretch or fray. If your pearls are worn often, this should be about once yearly.